Closed Economy

美 [kloʊzd ɪˈkɑːnəmi]英 [kləʊzd ɪˈkɒnəmi]
  • 网络封闭经济
Closed EconomyClosed Economy
  1. China is still largely a closed economy for investment purposes .


  2. Open economy with a closed economy is opposed to the concept .


  3. A closed economy will not put a country on the way to prosperity .


  4. In a closed economy , my spending is your salary .


  5. In a relatively closed economy government spending lifts domestic demand without much leakage .


  6. Comparing with traditional society , modern China experienced a transition from closed economy to open economy and natural economy to market economy .


  7. Resolving payments crises inside a large , closed economy requires huge adjustments , on both sides .


  8. After 30 years of reform and opening up , China has been from a relatively closed economy to gradually integrated into the world .


  9. The effectiveness of monetary policy has a lot of difference in two different environment between in a closed economy and in a open economy environment .


  10. India , with a more closed economy and far lower savings rate , depends heavily on domestic consumption to sustain growth .


  11. When China first opened its tightly closed economy , companies in industrialized countries saw it as an incredible new market for exports .


  12. The economic increase pattern must be reconstructed during the transformation period from traditional economy to modern economy , from closed economy to opened economy in China .


  13. The previous studies of supply chain finance are all in the closed economy conditions which only considers the domestic situation regardless of the foreign factors .


  14. This paper expounds the basic concept of several agricultural subsidies and analyses the economic influence of subsidy using neoclassic economic analyzes methods in a closed economy .


  15. But for government produc-tion expenditure , the optimal tax policy in an open economy is incompletely equivalent to that in a closed economy .


  16. The exchange rate matters less for the eurozone than for most countries as it is a relatively closed economy . It largely trades with itself .


  17. Laos is a socialist country , its economic development has experienced from a closed economy to an open economy , and from a planned economy to a market economy .


  18. The US , leading by example , debates its budget policies as though it were a closed economy , steadfastly ignoring the need for long-term deficit reduction .


  19. He responds that , in any case , the euro area like Europe as a whole is not a closed economy but the most open of the big advanced economies .


  20. As such , the US may find it more difficult to operate like a large closed economy at a time when it has become a more open economy that is losing its size advantage gradually .


  21. Then on the basis of the open economy concept , it compares the differences between the open economy , closed economy and export-oriented economy , and summarizes the key features of open economy in new phase .


  22. An economy that does not interact with the economy of any other country . A closed economy prohibits imports and exports , and prohibits any other country from participating in their stock market .


  23. But these studies , on the one hand , are primarily confined to the traditional planned economic and the dual-track economic times ; and on the other hand , are mainly limited to a closed economy .


  24. This paper gives a preliminary mathematical model for production and living in a closed economy , analyzes the relationship between investment and consumption in a sense of quality and quantity , and tries to make an observation of the general trend .


  25. Since the reform and opening up , Shandong province has changed the closed economy into the open , and integrated into the world economy gradually . In recent years , the economic development of Shandong province is showing impressive strength .


  26. Our paper considers capital flows only , and on the basis of this , the paper further our studies in three levels as follws : First level mainly discusses relations between demographic structure and asset price in a closed economy .


  27. However , the risk-sharing function of the banking system is not ideal . Under normal circumstances , the banking system in a closed economy is difficult to exploit the economy of scale , thus provide less financial services at a higher cost .


  28. Being the important parts of the economic system , tax laws and accounting standards have been changed correspondingly in the process of the Chinese economy ' sdual transition : from planned economy to market economy , from closed economy to open economy .


  29. Compared with the study of the closed economy , the force promote domestic market to integrate is weakened when the cost of setting barriers in inter-regional trade is increasing . The reduction of margin preference impedes the integration of domestic market .


  30. In a closed economy , due to lower income of people , high information acquisition costs , industry characteristics and other factors , the risk-bearing capacity is weak , and the inter-temporal risk-sharing of banking intermediaries has a dominant position in a closed economy .
